A Visit @ DFØMU


A very impressive VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Station is DFØMU located on the Schöppinger Berg on the half way between Münster (DL) and Enschede (PAØ). I think every active VHF/UHF contester around has worked with DFØMU (a number of times). I worked them from several SOTA-references on 2m and 70cm. The station is located on the area of a former dutch radar post, not far away from a former Nike Rocket Base on the Schöppinger Berg, now directly in a wind park.

My host Helmut, DG9YIH, showed me also live EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) operation. That’s very impressive and a nice project for the upcoming year(s). EME from a SOTA reference …

DFØMU is a team of about 15 HAMs and has been about five years on the air.


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