DP7D/p on Ice

DC7CCC operating on Lake Dümmer
DC7CCC operating on Lake Dümmer

OM Holger (DF1QR) and Mario (DC7CCC) operated on Friday, 10th Feb. 2012, from WFF DLFF-051  Dümmer Nature Park.  The Dümmer is the 2nd largest lake in Lower Saxony and was frozen after weeks od deep temperatures. This day we had -6.5°C. The trip from Osnabrück to the lake is not so far, maybe 40 minutes. The setup were two stations. It was very difficult to set up a dipole on the ice. Because Holger made his first QSOs I decided to use the MP-1 antenna and gave up the idea, to set up the dipole.

Holger started with 40m SSB and I tried 30m CW. The band was dead, no station qrv, I started CQing and a few stations with big signals answered.

But it was so cold and windy on the ice, that we used later only one station on 40m SSB. One of us was operating, the other one tried to rewarm himself or answered questions to a lot of curious people.

Back home I saw in the Reverse Beacon Net, that I had a good signal all over Europe on 30m and about S3 to S4 in North America. What a pity that only a few stations were qrv.

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