100. Piesberg SOTA-Aktivierung

Mario operating as DA0CCC/p
Mario operating as DA0CCC/p
First Operation Feb 2008
First Operation Feb 2008

1543 QSOs are the result of my 100 activations from the Piesberg DM/NS-108 in the north of the City of Osnabrück. This summit was cancelled for SOTA between 1.1.2009 and 30.09.2010, but remeasurements brought it back to SOTA. Saturday I used the callsign DLØPAX/p for the 100th Piesberg (aka Peaceberg) activation (my 99th) and

DL0PAX QSL from the '80s
DL0PAX QSL from the '80s

on rainy sunday the clubcall of my DARC DOK D23 DAØCCC/p. It seems, that the dipole antenna disliked the rain. The SWR raised up to One to One-Million and I decided to make qrt.

Thanks to all Chasers and Spotters!


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