WNA and NAC again from DM/NS-108

The HB9CV stripped on the hiking stick
The HB9CV stripped on the hiking stick
FT-817ND with SLAB, in the background the lights of Osnabrück
FT-817ND with SLAB, in the background the lights of Osnabrück

The first tuesday in a month: WNA (Westphalia North Activity Evening) and NAC (Nordic Activity Contest) on 144 MHz. After surprising QSOs to Denmark in September I decided to take part in this evening again. Uncommon warm weather for October. 21°C.  As antenna mast I used this evening only a hiking stick … plus my barefoot FT-817ND (5w).

First I worked some „local“ stations within a radius of 100km, only DK5QN in telegrafy. Then I heard a lot of OZs, OZ1ALS had true S9 on the Piesberg and it was easy to work with him. 322km. OZ9KY was not so loud, but for 423km surprising easy QSO. Then I heard S9 / S7 SK7MW. Is it possible to reach this station near Malmö with 5watt and HB9CV? A lot of DLs called him. After some QSO SK7MW returned with „The DELTA CHARLY SEVEN …“ Of course in this moment the signals dropped down to S1. But the operator at SK7MW was very patient. Tack så mycket! The QSO was complete and my QRP VHF ODX from a SOTA summit.

If the wx allows – cu in November 2010.

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