Summit Activation #619
DL4MFM/P, DM/NS-036 Dörenberg 331m asl
WX: very foggy, 2°C
TRX: 144 MHz 50W, 7 ele DK7ZB ODX: GD0AMD/P IO74QD 817km
Very foggy this evening, maybe 10m visibility. Therefore no photo was possible.
The 144MHz band was very crowdy and it was possible to make some nice DX qsos. First time I got the Isle of Man with GD0AMD/p into the log. Altoghether 85 QSOs
Several other stations where on the summits andt and i got a lot of s2s QSOs.
This was the last Tuesday-GMAC in 2019 … GMAC final is on Sunday, 15-Dec-2019 and then we start into the new season 2020 on 7th of January.
- Global Mountain Activity Contest (GMAC)
- NRAU Activity Contest (NAC)
- Westfalen Nord Aktivitätsabend (WNA)
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