DM/NS-177 Venner Berg in DLFF-125

Wanderwege am Venner Berg
Wanderwege am Venner Berg
The VHF-Tower on NS-177
The VHF-Tower on NS-177

This is the „Home-QTH“ of DR4WFF ( Today my HAM friends Klaus (DO1KLI) and Christian (DO7AG) wanted to test my portable PSK station.  Hardware was a eeePC with a Sound-Card-Modem from Landolt and my FT-817. Result: It doesn’t work! The soundlevel via this galavnic separated modem was too low – RX very good, TX very bad 🙁 So, I cannot recommend this PSK-modem.

The MP1 beside the refuge
The MP1 beside the refuge

Especially because one cable was wrong connected. Instead into DATA out it was connected into the PTT plug of the FT-817. But this fault I noticed before at home.

Because it was YO-DX-Contest I had quick  the 4 necessary contacts  in the log. Valid activation for GMA (General Mountain Award). Thanks!

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