WNA October 2014 from Piesberg (DM/NS-108)

Summit Activation #459

this rainy activity brought me a new co-operator
this rainy activity brought me a new co-operator

First tuesday in a month – 144MHz activity evening across Europe. I climbed in really bad wx on the Piesberg (DM/NS-108). 14°C and heavy rain, not good condx, but a lot stations, also from nearby PAØ Netherlands, and nice QSOs. ODX was OZ5W for 426km. Station: 40w out, 4x Oblong, callsign: DLØGMA/p DOK: GMA

the result: 35 qso in a half hour
the result: 35 qso in a half hour

protected with an umbrella
protected with an umbrella
water was "standing" on the log
water was „standing“ on the log
the battery
the battery

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