GMA – German Mountain Award starts on 1st April 2012

G  GMA – German Mountain Award

Mountain radio without if’s and buts. Any summit from 100m above sea level can be activated.

Germany: all non-SOTA references assign the prefix DA/, SOTA references are of course valid and assign the prefix DM/ and DL/.

Outside Germany: all references of all mountains activity programs (i.e. WMA, SOTA, HuMPs Award) are valid for the scheme.

There will be points awarded per qualifying summit on the GMA account. On GMA website the QSOs can be uploaded and compared with results from other HAM-radio operators.

GMC – German Mountain Challenge

The activities of the GMA can be incorporated into the GMC. The points system is designed differently. Good tactics and taking advantage of bonus points makes the GMC a radio play-ground. At the end of the year the winner will be crowned

S2S Weekend Activity

S2S = Summit to Summit. Each quarter of the year activity days will be held. This means: Double points per activation and double points for each QSO for chasers.

  Am 1. April ist es soweit. Das GMA (German Mountain Award) startet. Dieses Amateurfunkprogramm richtet sich an alle Outdoor Fans, die mit der Station im Rucksack Hügel und Berge erklimmen und von dort Funkbetrieb machen wollen. Ein umfangreiches Diplomprogramm richtet sich aber auch an die „Jäger“ zu Hause um mit den Bergfunkern Kontakt aufzunehmen.

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