HNY from DM/NS-026 ‚Hüggel‘

DC7CCC/p on Hüggel
DC7CCC/p on Hüggel

On sunday, the 2nd January 2011, I made my first activity in the new year. My station FT-817 running 5w with MP-1 antenna. It was difficult to find a free frequency because a contest (again 🙁 …) was running. A boring QRP contest qrmed all interesting HF bands for 24 hours.

Temperatures were around 0°C. So no problem to work without gloves. In spite of the heavy qrm I made 17 SOTA QSO. Thanks all stations for calling.

After the activation I had a short fonecall from my XYL Bettina. Then I packed together my station. And then I missed my cell-fone. I called Bettina several-times on our 2m „home-frequency“, but no answer. I switched to the local 2m repeater DB0OBK and asked around, whether s.o. can make a call to my mobile fone. Klaus, DG6BBL/m, returned and quickly I found my (white-colored) fone in the snow when Klaus rings my cell-fone. Many thanks to Klaus.

3 Antworten auf „HNY from DM/NS-026 ‚Hüggel‘“

  1. Lucky guy! (That your phone still had battery power left!)

    On my January 2 activation I had to get the time for my logbook from my last QSO because my phone had died from the cold…

    Guess it’s time for that orange-flouro phone cover purchase– 😉

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